Cleaning of sex dolls and sex robots

 Lover dolls and mini sex doll may be a way to promote sexual health in a military environment—especially during weeks of military camps, longterm exercises, and war missions. They can also be stored in suitable places in bedrooms or military camps, such as showers and common rooms, or even camps or warships. Discretion must be established for their use, and the privacy of prisoners must be protected. Of course, shared use is also possible and permitted.

In addition to simulating the sexual behavior of a partner, other possible applications include lying in bed and hugging various roleplaying and disguise games. I have been building relationships with organic women before and after sex dolls entered my life. When I say "relationship", I really mean "I am another man's thing"; I have never encountered an organic woman who has no boyfriend yet.

I don't consider myself a very persuasive person; when I was growing up, my father always forced me to do things I didn't want to do, so I never wanted to be that kind of aggressive person. Therefore, instead of asking any girl who is with me treat me as a boyfriend, I just don't force this question. I still like cheap sex dolls, at least visually. But just because someone is attractive does not mean that they have a mentality or personality that is compatible with me.

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The cleaning of Tpe sex doll and sex robots may have no technical problems in the military, just like in nursing homes or nursing homes, at least in military camps and bases. The ethical issue is whether artificial servants will become targets of physical violence in daily and extreme situations, causing soldiers to become more violent against humans. Similarly, there is a lack of empirical research. We can only speculate on the military's acceptance of these artificial love servants. Each barracks will also have its own dynamics. In a mixed unit, the response may be very different from that of an unmixed unit. Another point is the acceptance of partners. If they discover artificial sexual behavior, it may endanger their relationship.

I feel that instead of pursuing an ideal person who doesn't exist, or is already with others, it's better to buy a doll with personality? I do not gamble, nor am I keen on taking risks. We have all seen such a relationship. It was amazing at first, then it collapsed. A friend of mine just divorced after 17 years of marriage. This is a huge investment in time, money and emotions. I am not interested in a person in my life who can be released on bail or become unpleasant at any time. In the end, a romantic relationship with an organic woman will not".

They issued a distress signal: save our Flat chested sex doll. A team of emergency rescue divers were confused after reacting to the scene of a naked "drowning woman"only to discover that it was actually a floating lifesize sex doll. "When shooting the fishing video, I thought the body floating in the water was washed away, but it was an inflatable doll," Tanaka wrote of the strange scene that happened last week.


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